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“Trust Yourself” is a phrase that all of us have heard often enough as well-meaning advice in our lives. We may have even heard it  to the point that we even tend to dismiss it as a cliché of sorts. One of the reasons the phrase may have become unwelcome is that our trust in others has often been broken, sometimes even on a whim. Oft-broken trust can make us skeptical and wonder about the value of trust itself. 

In order to perhaps restore the role of trust in our lives, the phrase “trust but verify” was coined in the recent past. The idea of this phrase seems to attach a condition to the use and development of trust in our lives. On the surface, this conditional use of trust may seem useful as a tool of emotional armor; but the idea of verification, in and of itself, is replete with challenges of its own, isn’t it? For one, how do we trust the sources that we may use for the purpose of verifying what we trust?

One way we may get around the idea of ‘verification’ is to develop our intuition as informed by our heart, which in turn is often  informed by connecting with the silence and stillness within us. In every instance that we use our intuition and it proves correct, we develop more compassion for ourselves, which in turn grows our trust within us. Intuition and compassion for our own selves are said to be integral parts of self-care and self-love. The more we include ourselves in the great circle of compassion, of care and of love, the more we can be compassionate, caring, loving and trusting towards others, can’t we?

Trust in our intuition isn’t really meant to be an insulator from life’s challenges, feelings and emotions. Trust can instead become a conductor, a medium for growth that helps us navigate our spiritual journey. “The woods are lovely, dark and deep / and I have promises to keep / and miles to go before I sleep / and miles to go before I sleep.” In order to navigate the lovely, dark and deep woods of our walk, to keep our promises along the way, to realize our true potential before we sleep, trust can become our good friend and guide. 

Trust in a friend and guide is what perhaps truly matters in the journey, isn’t it?


Join us for our weekly gathering and twitter chat, Sunday March 10 at 9amET / 1pmGMT / 630pm India (one hour earlier than usual due to the shift to Daylight Savings Time in the USA) as we share on ‘Matters of Trust’ in #Spiritchat. Namaste ~ @AjmaniK 

Flowers grow in trust

Flowers tend to bloom best when they trust in each other…

Postscript: The questions asked during the hour of the live twitter chat, Sunday March 10 at 9amEDT.

Ready? Q1. “Matters of Trust” ~ what do you see, hear or feel... that inspires #trust 
within you in this moment? Do share. #SpiritChat

Q2. What is the role of #trust in our lives... what important ‘things’ are connected
to trust? #SpiritChat

Q3. “Trust Yourself” ~ what are some ways that you build trust in yourSelf? #SpiritChat

Q4. The seeds of trust are ______, the soil is ______,
and its fruits are ______ #spring #SpiritChat

Q5. ‘“Trust but verify” ~ in what situations may this be useful?
When may it get in the way...? #SpiritChat

Q6. It happens. Our #trust gets broken because... what can we learn?
what can we do next? #SpiritChat

Q7. To build a #trusting community... any particular recipe?
any essential ingredients? #SpiritChat

Final Q8. The connections between trust and compassion, trust
and (life) purpose? Do explore. Namaste. #SpiritChat

Reserve Q. When you feel that you are trusted by others... what are some signs?
What happens in such relationships? #SpiritChat