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As I sat in the front window soaking the Sun’s warmth in the early Saturday morning hour cupping a warm beverage in my hands while the household mostly slept, the thought of peace and its origins moved through my awareness. Peace is a five letter word that is perhaps the most slippery of eels in our lives. It often only takes a momentary lapse of reason or awareness for it to be there one second and disappear in the next, isn’t it so?

As if to prove this very slipperiness, the puppy who was fast asleep next to me on a chair in deep peace suddenly bolted straight up as if she had received an electric shock or so. The reason? Someone was taking their dog for a morning walk by our house, forty feet or more away on the sidewalk. Deep peace in one moment had been transformed into total pandemonium as she was barking at the transgressor with every ounce of strength in her vocal cords. Perhaps we humans are not much different?

One moment we are feeling the joy of inner peace brought on by whatever brings us peace and joy, and the next moment we read  or hear or remember something and our feeling of peace is ‘off to the races.’ How fragile is our peace, isn’t it so? Like trust, we work so hard to gather and build peace, and just like trust, it gets broken. What can we do to create a peace within us that is sustainable, that isn’t susceptible to the vagaries of the world around us? If we were to create such deep inner peace, how would it affect and reflect on the state of peace in the world around us? 

It is said that there is no need to ’search for peace’ because “all the peace that we need or want is already within us.” And yet we search for it anyway — perhaps because we are continually forgetful of what we contain within us. We often search for peace like the musk deer in the forest who are constantly wandering in search of the sweet scent of musk, not knowing that the scent is emanating from within them! What would our world look and feel like If only we were to awaken to the knowing that peace is our intrinsic nature?

If we were to deeply absorb our inner stillness and silence, even surrender to the peace within us, maybe our search for peace will be complete. We can finally allow peace to build a sustainable home within us. What could or would we do next with such peace? 


Join us for our weekly gathering and twitter chat, Sunday March 17 at 9amET / 1pmGMT / 630pm India as we share on ’Searching for Peace’ in #Spiritchat. Namaste ~ @AjmaniK

Ready? Q1. “Searching for Peace” ~ how does this phrase speak to your mind, body and heart in this moment? Do share. #SpiritChat

Q2. The role of #peace in your life... how do you know you are immersed in it, and vice versa? #SpiritChat

Q3. “Peace is the way...” and yet we often ‘lose our way...’ ~ how do you best find it again? #SpiritChat

Q4. What may the ‘long-term investments’ in peace consist of? What may be the ‘returns’ look like? #SpiritChat

Q5. “Seek and you shall find...” ~ is this true of ‘searching for peace?’ Or is the search unnecessary... #SpiritChat

Q6. Some myths and misgivings about those who believe in, practice peace instead of its opposite(s)... #SpiritChat

Q7. People, mentors, guides, communities... that exemplify the path of peace to you... Do share. #SpiritChat

Final Q8. The connections between peace, prosperity... and prayer? Do explore. Namaste. #SpiritChat

Reserve Q. To negotiate peace between nations, between religions... what may the first few steps even look like? #SpiritChat